November 10, 2011

I Got A Fevah And The Only Prescription Is......

SIGNING UP FOR RACES!!!!  HA!  You thought I was going to say "COWBELL", didn't you???  LOL, well, I DO have a fever for more cowbell, but my fever for signing up for races is even worse!  I know - I haven't even participated in a race yet, but Holy Moly I can't WAIT!!!  I'm looking into The Mudder's Day run in PA, the Spartan Sprint in PA (obviously), but I'm also looking into some other Spartans within my driving distance (er, I mean SEAN'S driving distance, HAHA), and also a Warrior Run here in Ohio.  Seriously - it's turning into a bad addiction, especially if I don't build up my endurance!!!!  UGH!  But I HAVE to.....I really want to be able to sign up for the Super Spartan in the Midwest next October.  Do you think I have a chance???   Hmmmm..... I'd love to hear your thoughts <3   Oh, and I even signed up on the Spartan Race website to try and win some free races!!!  WOOO wish me LUCK :D

Of course, I spoke to soon yesterday about our weather.  FA-REEZING here today!  Brrrr.... So glad today's WOD was an indoor one that I could muddle through...

Simplicity. Two minute plank every hour on the hour while you are awake in the day. Stop what you are doing and plank. Two minutes too easy? Do it for five. If you're up for 16 hours, that's 32 minutes of planking.

OK, OK, I didn't exactly manage 2 minutes every hour I was awake, but I did do some - to the point of my hands shaking so much I couldn't text *GASP*  lol !  I think it's rather funny how SIMPLE planking looks - yet a few seconds into it and I'm like "Holy cow I must be doing this wrong - it's like torture!!!"  hahaha  Not really like torture, that's what burpees are for :D

Tomorrow, I will be running, doing my pushups, and various strength training.  I have yet to see what Sparta has in store for the WOD, so we will's ALWAYS interesting!!!!

Happy Trails :)

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