October 21, 2011

Today has got to be better...

Yesterday was one of those days.  You know the ones, the dog pees in the house, mud* is found on my bed sheets after the dog was on it, a kid drops an egg on the floor which the dog then grabs and runs through the house leaving a trail of egg slime.....  ::sigh::  I managed to get in a small jaunt on the beast, and 30 minutes of yoga between the chaos of my day, so I guess it wasn't ALL bad, haha.  But then my sweet babies gave me "mail", although according to the "mail" it was NOT from my kids, but from a 25 year old friend of my kids, lol.  Anyway, the note apologized for the crazy day, and promised breakfast in bed and a clean house today!  YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!

They told me I HAD to stay in bed this morning (eventhough I resisted, haha), they took my order,  and said they would serve me breakfast.  Well, at 7am, I was served hot coffee, orange juice, 1 egg with cheese, and an apple with some peanut butter!  I must say, it was pretty great :)  And just the fuel I need for a good workout!

I modified today's WOD (as usual) and this is how it went:  20 minutes of yoga (I needed some good stretching since I was sore from Wednesday's w/o), a total of 2miles on the beast, broken up with walks, 100 lunges, 94 push ups (today's p/u challenge), 2 sets of 50 squats and 10 burpees, and finished it off with abs.  Not bad.  And to top it off, a dog did NOT pee in the house, I did NOT find mud* on my bed, and NO eggs were dropped.  It's a pretty good start to the weekend!

Today's WOD quote made an impression on me, so I thought I'd share.... "There is no secret to success.What exists is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure."  ~Colin Powell  How true is that???

Oh, and if you're wondering why I put  '*'  after 'mud', well, it's because one cannot be 100% sure it is mud since one did not smell it.  I'm guessing it was not actually mud, but I told myself it was.

Happy Trails :)

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WarriorMom said...
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