October 26, 2011

A Mile is a Mile

I'm ALWAYS getting down on myself for speed (or lack of, in my case) and constantly trying to improve my "mile time".  If I go faster, I can't go as long, if I go slow and steady it takes MUCH longer.  It's a vicious cycle.  What to do, what to do??? 

Last week, one of my Spartan sisters posted a picture and I found the quote speaking to me directly...

I KNOW, right???  Even if it's taking me 15 minutes to run a mile, I'm STILL running a mile!!!!  Why am I beating myself up over time?  Instead I need to learn to be proud of TRYING, and accomplishing THAT MILE, regardless of time.

BUT, yeah, I still want to manage a mile in less time :)  Today, after being ill for a few days, I managed that mile in 14:35, in addition to my push up challenge (total 115, max 30), 100 squats, yoga, and some ab work.  Not exactly a Spartan WOD, but it sure beats soap operas and potato chips :D 

Until tomorrow.....

Happy Trails :)

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